Winter 2021
The AuKids Top 20 - Best Books from the Last Decade!
Ask the Experts - ‘My child is desperate for friends. What’s the best way she can make them?’ All our experts are autistic adults who give advice from a personal perspective.
The Language Layer Cake - The tastiest feature from our archive explains the stages of development when it comes to speech, in cake form. We like cake.
My Crystal Ball - As AuKids stops trading, what does the future hold for autism?
Plus, is our ‘new normal’ better for autism? And Bobby Elley, 17, talks about his experiences of echolalia.
Keywords Issue 50: Best books for autism; making friends; Bianca Toeps; language development; speech and language; speech development; autism future; week to view diary; lessons from lockdown; Bobby Elley column.
Autumn 2020
Ask the Experts - Chris Bonnello, Debby Elley, Gareth Morewood and Maura Campbell answer a question about a child who is anxious about fitting in at mainstream school.
How to Solve A Behaviour Riddle: At the heart of much behaviour lie three common themes. We give some detail on the questions to ask yourself when trying to get to the bottom of a riddle.
Ten Ways to Support your Child’s Mental Wellbeing - Covid presents challenges for our kids and keeping a healthy mind is at the heart of this feature by Child and Educational Psychologist, Dr Paul Kelly.
Inside Angle - Wildlife photographer Alfie Bowen shares his struggles and triumphs.
Plus ‘Do You Run a Five Star Hotel?’ Yes, we know you do.
Keywords Issue 49: OCD books; isolation at school; sticking out at school; peers; behaviour riddles; causes of behaviour; mental health for children; mental well-being; Alfie Bowen; autism role model; independence; self-care; Bobby Elley column; strange places; new places.
Summer 2020
Make Sense of Summer: Top tips on how to make the most out of ordinary outdoor activities to build on sensory input and communication.
Ask the Experts - My Child is into computers and focuses on things he can play by himself. Is this bad for him?
The Benefit or The Doubt: A round-up of recent benefit entitlements that could help you out.
Five Step Guide to Making A Passport: How to put together a ‘snapshot’ summary of your child’s needs.
Inside Angle with autism advocate Tim Tuff
Fast Forward Seven Years: AuKids has traced the progress of three children for the last seven years. What seemed slow and steady overnight suddenly seems like giant progress in retrospect.
Keywords Issue 48: Summer garden activities; sensory activities; The A Word; You Tube reader recommendations; computers and autism; are computers bad?; playing by yourself; gamers reading; gaming reading library; benefits; passports; portfolios; making a passport; visual support; Tim Tuff; future; Bobby Elley column; television adverts.
Spring 2020
Homework: How to Win the Battle without Making Enemies: For the ‘from our archive’ section, we dug out this popular feature on tackling schoolwork at home.
Inside Angle - Alex Manners - Alex reflects on his parents’ worries about him when he was younger and shares the encouraging story of how he found his niche in life, with advice for readers.
Tell Me On A Sundae - We explain our thinking behind our new Ice Cream Sundae Guide to Autism book for children.
Pass the Pearls 2- Way way back, we asked parents of older autistic children to give us their ‘pearls of wisdom’ for parents of younger kids. Looking back, what were they most glad of? What would they change? What advice turned out to be most- and least - valuable? We loved this feature, so we asked a new set of parents for their views - and here’s its sequel!
Keywords Issue 47: Why is AuKids stopping?; Projectors; pandemic; exercise; homework; Alex Manners; ice cream sundae book launch; parent advice; relaxed cinema.
Winter 2019/20
Ask the Experts. ‘My 13 year-old grandson is an able boy during well at mainstream. But he wanders around and seems unable to face the person he is speaking to…’
A Job Well Done: Double page cartoon strip with lively advice on giving instrutions to autistic children from Behaviour Analyst Dr Josh Levine.
Saying ‘No’ Without the Volcano - Discipline can be tough when your autistic child reacts so strongly. How to create boundaries without getting such a strong response. (from the archive feature).
A Different Path to Education - Seven families share their experiences of home educating their children.
‘Smile Like You Mean It’ - How Should We Teach Social Skills? - Co-editor Debby Elley, mum of autistic teenage sons, reflects on teaching social skills to children who may not see the point!
The Inside Angle: The Hidden Power of the Special Interest - Speaker Helen Clarke of Helen Clarke Autism explains how her special interests helped her as a child, and had a positive impact on her mental health
Keywords Issue 46: Nanoleaf; eye contact; giving instructions; saying no; meltdowns; home education; social skills; special interests; Helen Clarke; new places.
Autumn 2019
Be ready for the festive season! Years of experience with families (as well as our own) have contributed to some simple yet effective advice for reducing anxiety over Christmas and on the big day itself.
The Search for the Holy Grail. Another favourite from our archives goes straight to the heart of what you experience straight after diagnosis. You’re looking for answers, and lots of them. But everything seems so slow. Why? And what to do about it? Is there a Holy Grail? Read our guidance.
The Inside Angle - Jo Richardson who runs The Sanctuary Facebook page for autistic mothers, talks about ‘the anxiety demon’.
Time for Your Check-up! Making medical appointments more autism friendly.
Ask the Experts - ‘Sometimes when I try to persuade my son to do something he doesn’t want to (but has to), he kicks me’.
Cover story: Miguel and Amanda Hayworth run a company offering sugar-free alternatives, and their autistic children help out!
The Autism Parent’s Safety Gadget Guide. Elaine and Colin Pratt run Hartlands Holiday Centre for autism families in the Isle of Wight. Their apartments have been fitted with bespoke gadgets with safety mind mind. Check out the top 12 safety gadgets they wouldn’t be without.
Keywords Issue 45: Christmas tips; festive season; cancer; after diagnosis; anxiety; Jo Richardson; medical appointments; Dawn Huebner; worry; Outsmarting Worry; aggression; Sweet Victory Products; food intolerances; safety gadgets for the home.
Summer 2019
Ask the Experts: On hair twirling
Maps of the Social World: Using Social Stories to Help Your Child Navigate their Way
Inside Angle: 'We Are Capable and Deserving of an Education' - Christopher Finnes is non-verbal and shares his thoughts about how those with autism in his position are often under-estimated.
Stopping Those Little Interruptions: Does your child interrupt you all the time? We look at why this happens with autistic children and what you can do to help.
Puberty: Don't wait for it to hit! Expert author and mum Kate Reynolds gives valuable advice on laying the foundations for puberty early on.
A Meeting of Minds: Getting the best out of appointments: We all have them, but are your child's appointments really working for you?
Keywords Issue 44: Cadbury World; Hair twirling; Social Stories; Christopher Finnes; Interrupting; Why do they interrupt?; puberty; appointments; dealing with professionals; Pokemon.
Spring 2019
Ask the Experts: On noise sensitivity: Phoebe Caldwell, Becky Lyddon, Matt Mielnick and Emily Kellett advise.
Our Magical Trip to Disneyland Paris: The Toman family, who have two autistic children under ten, review Disneyland Paris and give top tips for parents planning a trip.
The Inside Angle: Stasia Gibbs-Lewis discusses what overload in public feels like, and what she does to recover.
Doorstep Drama! Top tips for little ones reluctant to leave the house.
Actions Speak Louder than Words Co-editors Debby Elley and Tori Houghton discuss what happens when autistic kids lack the vocal ability to say 'No' - and how we can help.
The Juggling Act: Expert Amiayla Durairaj reports on parents who succeed at balancing life with a special needs child and keeping a career.
Keywords Issue 43: Minecraft; noise sensitivity; Disneyland guide; sensory overload; Stasia Gibbs-Lewis; doorstep dramas; problems going out; refusal; non-verbal refusal; limited anguage usage; working parents.
Winter 2018/9
Ask the Experts: ‘My child keeps swearing!’
Welcome to the Alertness Hotel! Some kids are up on the top floor, some are at the basement...Welcome to the Alertness Hotel, where Occupational Therapist Breanne Black will show you the activities you can do to regulate a child's sensory system and bring them to their optimum level of alerness at our Ground floor.
The Inside Angle: 20 Pieces of Advice for Autistic Children: Chris Bonnello, who runs Autistic Not Weird, is a fantastic author and speaker. Here's his advice, handed down from personal experience.
Ten Tips on Tackling Change
The Smart Approach To Interventions In 2015, a jolly good book called Choosing Autism Inteventions was published. In its back pages can be found some of the best advice we've seen on choosing interventions. Hidden away it was, so we nicked it (with the authors' permission) and handed the best bits to you.
It's Okay to Be Me by Rachel Jackson: Rachel's a new children's author but her day job involves helping people to build emotional intelligence and resilience. She therefore has some brilliant advice on helping autistic kids develop self-esteem and happily she shares her personal experiences with her son Ben, which makes it all the more involving to read.
Keywords Issue 42: PDA; swearing; sensory arousal levels; sensory regulation; school advice for kids; Chris Bonnello; tackling change; choosing interventions; guilt.
Autumn 2018
Ask the Experts: One reader's child keeps getting rejected when trying to make new friends.
The Inside Angle: Senses Working Overtime with Richie Smith (four page special).
In Harmony with Autism: How Musical Instruments Help Kids on the Spectrum
What to do While You're Waiting: The Aukids editors consider the reality of waiting for appointments, and how you can use this unwelcome time productively.
7 Ways to Be Your Child's Learning Partner: Dr Heather MacKenzie shares her top tips for working with your child to get the best from them.
Keywords Issue 41: Friends, friendships; sensory experience; Richie Smith; music; appointments; homework; being a learning partner; Act for Autism; sarcasm.
Summer 2018
The Autism Books That Made (My) Publishing History: Director Jessica Kingsley looks back at 30 years at the helm of Jessica Kingsley Publishers, cherry-picking some of her favourite autism titles.
Ask the Experts: My son breaks everything.
Waiting for the Signal! Building language with a pause - how it works in theory, and what to do in practice.
The Inside Angle: An Insight into Anxiety by John Gorham.
Home is Where the Hartlands Is: Hartlands autism-specialist holiday centre is reviewed by the co-editor and her twin autistic sons.
The Last Word by Debby Elley: Climbing Mountains One Step at a Time: Debby reflects on ten years of AuKids, parenting, and growing independence.
Keywords Issue 40: Jessica Kingsley interview; breaking things; autism sundae; language support; anxiety; John Gorham; Hartlands holidays with Spectrum Breaks; autism-friendly holidays.