In March 2016, we conducted a survey to find out what our readers thought about AuKids, and had a huge response. Here's some of their comments ...
“The content is exceptional. I subscribe to nearly all of the autism magazines out there and yours is the only one I read from cover to cover!”
“When I was given the magazine at an event l felt very isolated, the magazine was like a friend. l was able to order back copies of the magazine which l keep by my bed, l reread these a lot”
“You address really serious and relevant issues in a very accessible and readable way and manage to keep the overall tone of the magazine lighthearted and not depressing! It’s like a little ray of sunshine landing through the letterbox!!”
Ted's Great Grandma, Grandma (and his Mum!) all buy AuKids
“As a Grandparent it has covered so much that I need to know”
“Very friendly and down to earth, you say it how it is and that is what I like!”
“I like that it addresses common problems and issues and comes up with a variety of ways to overcome them. I also like the resources and products which are highlighted and reviewed”
“Uses easy to understand English without waffling in a boring, convoluted, and off putting way. Shows real empathy and understanding of issues its readers are facing. The reader just knows it is written by those with real experience of living with these issues, not just learnt about them from studying”
“I look forward to it and enjoy taking time to read it. I love the friendly easy to read feel it has. So informative without being over wordy. Love hearing about new techniques and things that others have found really good. It’s great to hear from real parents who live with autism and properly understand it and have a positive view”
Finlay loves reading AuKids!
“Creates a sense of fun around being a parent of an autistic child”
“The articles seem more accessible than some other publications and get right to the point”
Koskun and Orcan have discovered other uses for AuKids
“AuKids understands their audience and provides relevant and meaningful content. I always enjoy reading the magazine and always learn something new”
“Full of advice that is amazingly practical. I love the book reviews too”
“There is a real understanding by the editors of the personal issues surrounding autism that is reflected throughout the magazine. I am often struck by how the points made ring home, particularly the Last Word”
“Makes me feel connected with the ASD community. But what it doesn’t do is patronise which I love”
“Gives information in a fun, friendly and simple way. The magazine isn’t full of fancy advertisements. It really speaks to people and is positive and respectful. Your recent piece on girls on the spectrum was great and the book and media reviews are wonderful too”
“I lend out all my back copies to parents I support at school”