AUTUMN 2010: A slight departure from the norm this issue as Tori returns from a trip to Uganda where, as a speech and language therapist, she was able to use her skills to help those supporting orphans with autism. Our report on her trip highlighted just how lucky we are in the UK, but also how simple toys and a different method of play can very easily reap big rewards with children who have autism.
Ask the Experts is on Stranger Danger, as often kids with autism can be extremely friendly and trusting in all circumstances. A double page feature titled Sibling on the Spectrum contains some moving personal accounts from brothers and sisters plus some advice on supporting them.
Keywords Issue 9: Uganda; The Komo Centre; stranger danger; strangers; siblings.
Summer 2010: Don’t Mourn for Us is an extremely moving personal plea from an adult with autism, Jim Sinclair, who wrote some powerful words on what it means to be accepted for who you are.
Our fun Senses Working Overtime feature has a guide to having fun outdoors whilst helping kids with sensory integration and communication.
Ask the Experts talks about computer fixations and Ready Steady Go For Summer! has a round-up of great autism-friendly places to visit in the holidays.
Keywords Issue 8: Jim Sinclair; summer fun; computers; gaming.
Spring 2010: Ask the Experts is on taking flight: ‘We’re taking the dreaded plane journey this summer. How can we make it easier for our autistic son?’ There’s an interview with the founder of Rackety’s clothing company, which makes specialist clothing for kids with disabilities.
‘The Benefit…or the Doubt?’ gives advice on benefits (please note this will be outdated and has been updated in a later issue). ‘Keeping it Together’ addresses the issue of the strain that having a child with autism can put on families, and in particular adult relationships. We give some useful hints and tips about keeping going through tough times.
Keywords Issue 7: Tough times; relationships; plane journeys; aeroplanes; plane trips; Racketys; specialist clothing; benefits
Winter 2010: Includes Pass the Pearls, a colourful collection of advice gems from parents who have been there and got the T-shirt! Ask the Experts has advice on obsessive behaviour. Co-editors Tori Houghton and Debby Elley review a new Lego club for autistic kids. Favourite review book from this issue – Motivate to Communicate! Fantastic, simple, tried and tested ideas for keeping autistic kids happy and occupied at home.
The Thomas Centre, Lincolnshire; It Can Get Better…By Paul Dickinson and Liz Hannah, Motivate to Communicate by Simone Griffin and Dianne Sandler and the Day that Ravi Smiled by Gillian Lobel
Debby Elley’s The Last Word: Autism is Other People’s Worry, Not Mine’
Keywords Issue 6: Lego; obsessions; judgement.
Autumn 2009: AuKids goes national! Our Saved by the Bell feature includes case studies written by parents whose children are being educated in four different settings – mainstream, an autism unit, an autism class in a special school and a special school for children with communication difficulties.
Ask the Experts is about children who run off without warning… and we have a feature on types of visual communication systems, how they work and the best ideas to try first.
Reviews include another one of our favourites on sensory integration – the Out of Sync Child by Carol Stock Kranowitz.
Keywords Issue 5: Choosing schools; escapologists; running away; sense of danger; augmented assitive technology.
Summer 2009: Includes advice on hair cutting and a double-page spread on hints for the summer and some hints and tips for safe holidays. Reviews include some crackers – Born on a Blue Day by Daniel Tammet, a mathematical savant, and The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time, now a runaway success as a theatrical dramatization. Mum Debby Elley’s rib-tickling The Last Word rounds off the magazine.
Keywords Issue 4: Haircuts; hairdresser; summer tips.
Spring 2009: Ask the Panel focuses on sleep problems, with advice from Chartered Psychologist and SEN magazine columnist Dr Paul Holland, Professor of Developmental Psychiatry Jeremy Turk and sleep clinic co-ordinator Chris Hoyle. Debby Elley’s The Last Word discusses keeping autistic kids amused at the weekend.
Genius Genes – How Asperger Talents Changed the World – Michael Fitzgerald and Brendan O’Brien; Autistic Planet – Jennifer Elder; A Real Boy – Christopher Stevens. DVDs – Autism and Me directed by Rory Hoy. CD – Cool Bananas by Genevieve Jereb
Keywords Issue 3: Sleep
Winter 2008: Advice from an NAS leaflet on Christmas, our experts on fussy eating, a small guide to toilet training autistic youngsters and a Top 20 Christmas Stocking Fillers for Kids with Autism sponsored by the Novelty Warehouse (now The Sensory Toy Warehouse – Book reviews include one of the best books we’ve ever read on sensory integration – Olga Bogdashina’s Sensory Perceptual Issues in Autism and Asperger Syndrome.
Books: Sensory Perceptual Issues in Autism and Asperger Syndrome – Olga Bogdashina; Send In The Idiots – Kamran Nazeer, A Will of his Own – Kelly Harland. DVDs: Makaton Nursery Rhymes and Snow Cake starring Sigourney Weaver
Keywords Issue 2: Christmas tips; eating; toilet training; potty training; stocking fillers.
Summer 2008: Some of our early features were local to Manchester where the magazine was launched. Most notably of national interest was an interview with music therapist Brigitte Schwarting. Our first Ask the Panel was on spinning and we featured the new Thomasland at Drayton Manor. Anyone looking at Issue 1 - be prepared to witness AuKids at a very young and experimental stage!
Keywords Issue 1: Music therapy; Nordoff Robbins; Thomas Land