Aukids magazine is no longer in print…but you can still read it online!
AuKids ran as a print quarterly from 2008-2021. After 50 issues, we moved onto other projects. However, each edition was so lovingly put together, with so much timeless expertise and information, and so many lively and fun graphics - we wanted it to be available for parents in generations to come.
Thanks to generous sponsorship this year from Time Specialist Support, we’ve been able to keep the website going, and have every issue available to download FREE.
Look up or archive guide to help find articles relevant to you.
Fans may also like to know that AuKids has a Facebook site at @aukidsmag
Your Introduction to AuKids…
Introducing the starter’s special from aukids…
Why did we bring out the Starter's Special? Co-editor Debby Elley says: “When my sons were diagnosed with autism , I was left at the mercy of the internet. The information that I did get was somewhat dull and depressing. Then I met Tori, who has an amazing affinity with autistic children. She felt the same about the lack of positive, impartial, upbeat advice for parents and together we came up with AuKids."
Colleague and co-editor Tori Houghton adds: "We both thought 'Wouldn't it be great if AuKids could be made available to every parent or carer who has only just found out about autism?' It's such an isolating experience to be told your child has a condition that you don't know much about. AuKids would give them an instant boost, knowing that there was great information out there and that they weren't alone."
"We jokingly call this issue our Greatest Hits," says Debby. "It’s some of the features that have gone down especially well with parents who are new to autism. We compiled the best of them together in this issue. We hope that it'll give parents a helping hand just when they need it”
Enjoy the Starter's Special, then move onto the rest of the library…
Inside the Starter’s Special: Jargon buster, the Ice Cream Sundae guide to autism/Autism Sundae Dessert, ‘Obsessions’ or special interests, choosing a therapy, meltdowns, building communication.
Love the team at AuKids x